Email Campaign and Compliance

A Guide to Email Campaign Compliance for Freelance Writers

Welcome to the world of freelance writing, where you have the freedom to choose your own clients and projects. As a freelance writer, one crucial aspect of your work will be sending emails to potential clients to showcase your skills and services. But did you know that sending emails without proper compliance can harm your reputation and affect your email deliverability? In this blog, we will dive into the world of email campaign compliance, exploring the dos and don'ts for freelance writers.

What is Email Compliance?

Email compliance refers to the rules and regulations set by internet service providers (ISPs) and email service providers (ESPs) to ensure that emails are sent ethically, responsibly, and legally. These rules are designed to protect the recipient's privacy and prevent spam emails from clogging their mailbox.

Ajay's Email Campaign: A Compliance Nightmare

Let's follow 'Ajay', a fictitious freelance writer, to understand the consequences of not following email compliance for his email campaign.

'Ajay' has recently started his freelance writing business and has created a list of potential clients. He sends them unsolicited emails without their consent, using a generic subject line and without providing an option to unsubscribe. He also uses a purchased email list, without verifying its authenticity.

His emails are flagged as spam by ISPs, and his email deliverability drops drastically. He also receives complaints from recipients, damaging his reputation and making it difficult for him to reach potential clients in the future.

The Dos and Don'ts of Email Campaign Compliance

To avoid a situation like 'Ajay', let's take a look at some essential dos and don'ts for freelance writers when it comes to email campaign compliance:

  • Do: Obtain consent from recipients - Before sending any email, ensure that you have the recipient's consent to receive emails from you. This can be in the form of an opt-in or a request to be added to your mailing list.
  • Do: Keep your subject line relevant - Your subject line should accurately reflect the content of your email. Avoid using clickbait subject lines or using misleading information to grab attention.
  • Do: Include an option to unsubscribe - Most email service providers have features that allow recipients to unsubscribe from your emails. Make sure to include this option in your email, giving the recipient the choice to opt-out.
  • Do: Verify your email list - It may be tempting to purchase a readily available email list, but it's essential to verify the authenticity of the list. Sending emails to incorrect or outdated addresses can lead to a high bounce rate and impact your email deliverability.
  • Don't: Send unsolicited emails - Sending emails without the recipient's consent is not only unethical but also illegal in some regions. This can lead to complaints, penalties, and a damaged reputation for you.
  • Don't: Mislead or deceive your recipients - Your email content should be accurate and honest. Avoid using misleading information, false claims, or impersonation to deceive your recipients. This can lead to serious consequences for your email campaign.

Famous Quotes on Email Compliance

'The subtle violations are what do users in. It is not the envelope stuff that we see. It is the hidden comment in the source code that is never seen that causes the server to be blackholed.' - Paul Vixie

Email Compliance Resources for Freelance Writers

As a freelance writer, you can improve your understanding of email compliance by utilizing online resources. Here are some recommended websites for you:


Q: Is email compliance necessary for freelance writers?
A: Yes, email compliance is crucial for freelance writers to maintain a good reputation, build trust with potential clients, and improve their email deliverability.

Q: What happens if I don't comply with email regulations?
A: Non-compliance with email regulations can lead to penalties, complaints, and a damaged reputation for your brand.

Q: Are there any tools that can help me with email compliance?
A: Yes, there are various email marketing tools, such as SendGrid, that provide compliance features and ensure that your emails follow the rules and regulations.

Q: Can I send cold emails to businesses?
A: Yes, you can send cold emails to businesses, but make sure to follow email compliance guidelines and obtain consent from the recipient.

Q: How can I improve my email deliverability?
A: Following email compliance guidelines, verifying your email list, and creating engaging and relevant content can help improve your email deliverability.

Remember, compliance is not a one-time task; it's an ongoing process that requires constant attention and effort. By adhering to email compliance rules, you can build a trustworthy brand and achieve your goal of reaching potential clients successfully. Happy writing!