Email Engagement Case Studies

Email engagement is a crucial factor to consider when it comes to email deliverability. It refers to how subscribers interact with the emails they receive from businesses. High email engagement means that subscribers are actively opening, reading, and taking action on the emails they receive. On the other hand, low engagement can lead to emails being marked as spam or unsubscribed from, which can ultimately hurt a business' email deliverability. In this article, we will highlight some real-life case studies to demonstrate the impact of email engagement on email deliverability and what businesses can do to improve it.

Case Study 1: Ajay's Email List

Ajay is a freelance writer who recently started sending out emails to promote his services to potential clients. At first, Ajay noticed that a large number of his emails were being marked as spam, and his email deliverability was suffering as a result. After analyzing his email list, Ajay realized that many of his subscribers were not engaging with his emails. They were not opening them or taking any action on them. This lack of engagement was causing his emails to be flagged as spam. To improve his email engagement, Ajay started sending out personalized and relevant emails to his subscribers, and he noticed a significant increase in open rates and click-through rates. As a result, his emails were no longer being marked as spam, and his email deliverability improved.

Case Study 2: eCommerce business

An eCommerce business was struggling to reach its audience through email marketing. Despite having a sizable email list, their emails were not getting much engagement and were also being marked as spam. After analyzing their email data, the business realized that they were sending out generic and promotional emails that did not resonate with their subscribers. They decided to switch to a more personalized and targeted approach, sending out emails based on their subscribers' interests and behavior. As a result, their email engagement and deliverability improved, and they were able to drive more sales through email marketing.

These two case studies demonstrate the direct impact of email engagement on email deliverability. When subscribers are engaged and interested in the emails they receive, email deliverability improves, and businesses can see a significant return on investment from their email marketing efforts. Now let's dive deeper into how businesses can improve their email engagement.

How to improve email engagement

To improve email engagement, businesses need to focus on creating relevant, personalized, and valuable content for their subscribers. Some best practices to keep in mind include:

  • Sending emails at the right time: Analyze your email data to determine the best time to send out emails that get the most opens and clicks.
  • Segmenting your email list: Group your subscribers based on their interests and behavior, and send targeted emails that resonate with each segment.
  • Personalizing your emails: Use subscribers' names and other relevant data to make your emails more personalized and engaging.
  • Avoiding spammy language and excessive promotion: Be careful not to use language or subject lines that could get your emails marked as spam. Additionally, limit the amount of promotional content in your emails, and focus on providing value to your subscribers instead.

By following these best practices, businesses can see a significant improvement in their email engagement, which will directly impact their email deliverability.

"Email has an ability many channels don't: creating valuable, personal touches - at scale."

~ David Newman

FAQs on Email Engagement

Q: What is considered a good email engagement rate?

A: A good email engagement rate can vary depending on the industry, but on average, an open rate of 20-30% and a click-through rate of 3-5% is considered good.

Q: How can I track my email engagement metrics?

A: Most email service providers offer analytics and reporting tools to track open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics.

Q: Is it important to clean my email list regularly?

A: Yes, regularly cleaning your email list of inactive or unengaged subscribers can improve your overall email engagement and deliverability.