List Building and Nonprofits

Email marketing is a vital tool for nonprofit organizations to connect with their supporters, donors, and potential stakeholders. With the rise of digital communication and the importance of building a strong online presence, nonprofits must focus on building their email subscriber list to stay connected with their audience.

But before we dive into the topic of list building for nonprofits, let's first understand the basics.

What is Email Deliverability?

Email deliverability refers to the ability of an email to land in the recipient's inbox successfully. It is essential for nonprofits to ensure that their emails reach the intended audience for their campaigns to be successful.

Why is List Building Important for Nonprofits?

The ultimate goal of a nonprofit organization is to raise awareness and funds for their cause. Building an email subscriber list is crucial because it allows nonprofits to stay connected with their audience and keep them updated on their latest activities, campaigns, and impact. It also helps in building brand awareness and establishing a strong relationship with supporters and donors.

How to Build an Email List for Your Nonprofit?

Now that we understand the importance of list building, let's look at some practical ways for nonprofits to build their email subscriber list:

1. Create a compelling opt-in form on your website

Your website is the face of your nonprofit, and it's where potential supporters and donors go to learn more about your cause. Make sure to have a prominent opt-in form on your website, inviting visitors to subscribe to your email updates. Your form should provide a clear and concise value proposition for joining your email list.

2. Leverage social media

Social media is a powerful tool for nonprofits to reach a larger audience. Utilize your social media channels to promote your email list and encourage followers to sign up for updates. You can also use social media ads to target potential supporters and donors and invite them to join your email list.

3. Run a lead magnet campaign

A lead magnet is a valuable resource or incentive that you offer in exchange for someone's email address. Nonprofits can create lead magnets such as e-books, webinars, or exclusive content related to their cause to encourage people to subscribe to their email list.

4. Utilize events and community outreach

Events and community outreach activities are a great way for nonprofits to connect with potential supporters face-to-face. Collect email addresses at events and outreach activities to grow your email list.

5. Make the most of email forwarding and social sharing

Include social sharing and email forwarding buttons in your email campaigns to make it easy for subscribers to share your content with their networks. This can help reach a wider audience and potentially grow your email list.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How often should a nonprofit send emails to their subscribers?

A: The frequency of your email campaigns depends on your nonprofit's goals and the type of content you're sharing. However, it's essential to maintain a regular schedule and avoid bombarding your subscribers with too many emails.

Q: Can nonprofits buy email lists to grow their subscriber list quickly?

A: No, buying email lists is not a recommended practice. These lists often have low-quality or outdated email addresses and can harm your nonprofit's reputation as a sender.

Q: Are there any tools to help nonprofits with list building?

A: Yes, there are many affordable and user-friendly email marketing tools such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and ConvertKit that nonprofits can use to build and manage their email subscriber list.


Building a strong email subscriber list is essential for nonprofit organizations to stay connected with their supporters and donors. By implementing the strategies mentioned above and utilizing the right tools, nonprofits can grow their email list and drive success for their cause. Remember, it's not only about growing your list, but also about engaging and nurturing your subscribers to build a loyal and dedicated community of supporters.

'The expert in anything was once a beginner.' - Ajay