List Building and CASL Compliance

In today's digital age, building an email list is crucial for businesses to connect with their customers and drive sales.

Success in email marketing is all about growing and nurturing your subscriber list.

However, simply collecting email addresses is not enough. Businesses must also make sure they are complying with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). In this blog, we will discuss the importance of list building and how to ensure compliance with CASL.

The Importance of List Building

List building is the process of collecting email addresses and building a database of subscribers. This allows businesses to directly reach out to potential and existing customers, increasing brand awareness and driving sales.

But in order to effectively utilize email marketing, businesses must follow certain rules and regulations to ensure their emails are delivered and received by their subscribers.

The Basics of CASL

The Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) was introduced in 2014 to regulate commercial electronic messages sent to Canadian recipients. It applies to anyone who sends commercial emails, including businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations.

Under CASL, businesses must obtain explicit consent from individuals before sending commercial electronic messages, such as emails, text messages, and social media messages.

Explicit consent means that individuals must actively give their permission to receive these messages. This can be done through a clear and concise statement explaining what they will be receiving, along with a way to unsubscribe at any time.

Obtaining consent is not a one-time event - it's an ongoing process.

Additionally, businesses must clearly identify themselves in the message and provide valid contact information for individuals to reach out to.

List Building and CASL Compliance

When it comes to list building, CASL compliance is crucial. Not only is it required by law, but it also helps businesses maintain a good sender reputation and ensure their emails are delivered to their subscribers' inbox.

To comply with CASL, businesses must:

  • Collect explicit consent from individuals before adding them to their email list.
  • Be transparent and clearly explain what type of emails they will be receiving and how often.
  • Provide a clear and easy way to unsubscribe from their email list.
  • Regularly update and maintain their email list to remove inactive or unsubscribed subscribers.

In addition to ensuring compliance with CASL, there are also other best practices businesses can follow to effectively build and maintain their email list:

  • Offer valuable content to incentivize individuals to sign up.
  • Use double opt-in to confirm explicit consent and ensure email addresses are valid.
  • Segment email lists based on interests to provide personalized content.
  • Regularly clean up email lists to remove inactive or invalid email addresses.


List building is an important aspect of email marketing, but it must be done in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as CASL. By following best practices and maintaining a clean and engaged email list, businesses can effectively connect with their customers and drive sales.


Q: Can I send commercial emails to individuals who have not given explicit consent, but have provided their email addresses through a business transaction?

A: No, under CASL, explicit consent must be obtained before sending any commercial electronic message, even if the individual has provided their email address through a business transaction.

Q: Can I send emails to individuals who have previously unsubscribed from my email list?

A: No, under CASL, individuals have the right to unsubscribe from receiving commercial electronic messages at any time. It is important to regularly update and maintain your email list to remove unsubscribed individuals.